We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
Fast track to your high flying career in Investment Banking, Banking, Advisory/ Consulting, Property/Conglomerate
Mentored 1000+ grads since 2014 | 40+ professional coaches | Countless Success Stories
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: Room 14B Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 67029911
Email: admin@eccoachinghk.com
(Video Interview)全攻略及模擬問題
4500+ offers & 9+ years of excellence with assured results
近年不少公司(包括HSBC、JP Morgan、MTR等等)的Management Trainee/ Summer Analyst/ Summer Internship Program在初步篩選階段都會加入視像面試(Video Interview)環節,以挑選合適的同學作下一輪遴選。到底甚麼是Video Interview?它跟傳統的面試有何分別?應付Video Interview(尤其是HireVue)有甚麼注意事項?還有HR Manager一般會在HireVue面試問甚麼問題?
1. 甚麼是視像面試(Video Interview/ HireVue Interview)?它跟傳統的面試有何分別?
所謂Video Interview,一般不會面對真人,同學需要在指定時間內登入公司系統(最常用為HireVue),回答預設的問題,而同學只有一次作答機會,回答的過程亦會被攝下成錄像,經過AI及HR人手兩類挑選。
值得一提的是,公司並不單從你的作答內容評分,更是會留意一切的細節︰在甚麼環境進行面試、用甚麼硬件配置、聲畫質量、個人的儀容打扮、談吐舉止,甚或面容表情!你在鏡頭前的一舉手、一投足,都會受到注視,以及系統的數據分析!更甚的是,在部份的Video Interview中,HR Manager會根據行業背景、公司文化和職位性質等因素,事先在系統中加入一些關鍵字詞或描述,再讓AI計劃你提及這些字句的頻率,演算出你的個人性格,從而決定你有多適合公司的職位!因此你別以為Video Interview可以在家進行便掉以輕心,它比傳統的面試更具挑戰性,而很多人往往在這環節「墮馬」卻「死因不明」!
2. Video Interview/ HireVue Interview應戰錦囊
提前準備:和傳統面試一樣,提前準備是關鍵。研究公司背景,了解職位要求。一些必問或常見的個人履歷(CV-based Questions)或行為面試問題(Behavorial Questions),要事前準備好講稿(Video Interview Script),並且熟讀至倒背如流,避免臨場發揮。當然,不要死記硬背答案,而是要保持自然和流暢
練習和錄製:一般而言,HireVue Interview的每一道題目都只給予兩至三分鐘作答時間,並只有一次作答機會,要善用這次機會作最好的錄影。在面試前多次練習並錄製自己的回答。回放視頻時,注意自己的表達方式、肢體語言和聲音清晰度,並準確為你的講稿計時,優化你的表現
3. Video Interview/ HireVue Interview實例
實例一︰Imagine you joined a team that has different opinions often. How would you connect with your teammates and help the team achieve their goal.
實例二︰What do you think are the challenges and difficulties faced by our company?
實例三︰Tell me an experience where you were a member of a group where teamwork is critical to getting something accomplished, what did you do to contribute to the success of the team and what is your role?
從以上實例,你必須在你的Video Interview Script中加入適當的關鍵詞,務求在AI評分系統中表現得更出色。你可以根據職位描述、招聘活動資訊、公司網站或年度報告構想相關的關鍵詞,再起草你的講稿。對於一些常見的個人履歷(CV-based Questions)或行為面試問題(Behavorial Questions),不妨在你的回應中提及你過去的工作經驗,包括你的見聞、得著,以及如何將你學到的應用在新的工作環境中。當然,如果你不肯定可以加甚麼Key Words或哪些工作經驗到你的面試講稿中,HKCareers也可以幫到你!
針對Management Trainee Program一連串的面試及評核,HKCareers為香港、新加坡和英國三地的大學生度身打造適合自己的報工策略︰改善CV和Cover Letter,並提供面試訓練及模擬面試、Apt Test題庫、詳盡的面試題目和行業報告等等,從而大大增加同學拿到Management Trainee Offer的機會。自2014年成立的10年間,HKCareers的專業團隊集結了超過150位具豐富經驗的職業顧問及行業專家,為2,000多位學生創下成功之路,寫下了無數的成功案例︰


Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: 803, Energy Plaza, No. 92 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, HK
Phone: +852 3689 6370 | WhatsApp: +852 6702 9911
Email: ellie@hkcareers.hk (General Enquiry)