We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
Fast track to your high flying career in Investment Banking, Banking, Advisory/ Consulting, Property/Conglomerate
Mentored 1000+ grads since 2014 | 40+ professional coaches | Countless Success Stories
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: Room 14B Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 67029911
Email: admin@eccoachinghk.com
Management Trainee 2024 / 2025 HK:
大學生報 Bank MT / Property MT 須知
4500+ offers & 9+ years of excellence with assured results
Management Trainee 2024 / 2025 HK:大學生報 Bank MT / Property MT 須知
不同行業的MT(Management Trainee)薪酬各有不同,要數到薪酬最高、待遇最優厚的當然是投行(尤其是前檯部門),一般來說,投資銀行部(Investment Banking Division,IBD)或銷售與交易部(Sales and Trading,S&T)薪酬動輒可高達港幣$50,000至$60,000(甚或更高!);即使是投行的中後檯部門或一般的商業銀行(Commercial Banks),薪金也不低於港幣$30,000。而一般的大型企業,其MT薪酬一般會在港幣$20,000左右。儘管如此,他們的晉升前景比其他工作好,不用數年便可擔任公司的管理職位,對大學準畢業生有一定的吸引性。
以下為部分Management Trainee 2023 人工:
2.哪些公司的Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)最受歡迎?
各行業最受歡迎的MT Programs︰
投資銀行︰Goldman Sachs、Morgan Stanley、JP Morgan、Bank of America、Deutsche Bank、UBS、BNP Paribas、Bank of America等
銀行︰滙豐銀行(HSBC)、恒生銀行(Hang Seng Bank)、渣打銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)、Citibank、DBS、中國銀行(BOC)、東亞銀行(BEA)等
地產發展商︰新鴻基地產(Sun Hung Kai Properties)、恒隆地產(Hang Lung Properties)、信和集團(Sino Group)
企業集團︰太古(Swire)、怡和(Jardine Matheson)、港鐵(MTR)等
3. 申請Management Trainee / Graduate Trainee難度有多高?
大部分企業、投行和銀行每年都收到高達3,000至8,000份的MT/GT申請,而且每個部門的Headcount也是有限的,可想而知當中的競爭激烈程度。在投報IB / Banking的MT前,宜先了解每間公司或部門的Headcount,有助提升你取得Offer的成功率,愈少Headcount的公司和部門,競爭自然愈激烈。
正因競爭如此激烈,故此公司會設立多層關卡去評核同學的能力,層層篩選出精英中的精英,若你能躋進Final Round Interview,可以說已經非常不容易!
4. 哪些Management Trainee / Graduate Trainee成功機會較高?
雖說Management Trainee (MT) /Graduate Trainee (GT) 的競爭大,但也視乎是甚麼行業、部門和工作性質。正因IBD職位薪金條件優厚,吸引眾多頂尖大學生申請,故此篩選要求會是最嚴格,也無疑成為最難考進的MT部門;S&T (Sales and trading)、Asset Management(AM)、以及三大管理顧問公司(McKinsey、Bain和Bonston,合稱MBB Consulting Firms)的MT職位緊隨其後,同屬較難成功考進的公司或部門。反觀四大會計師事務所或審計公司(Big Four)的核算(Audit)或咨詢(Advisory)業務,由於相對要人較多,薪酬待遇亦未如投行或銀行般優厚,而且以工時長見稱,因此這類的MT相對來說較易考進。
⭕️最難入的 MT/GT部門(由難至易排列)︰
私人銀行(Private Banks,PB)
商業及企業銀行(Commercial and Corporate Banks)
投行中後檯部門,如風險管理(Risk Management)、財務(Finance)、法規(Compliance)、營運(Operations)等
四大會計師事務所(Big Four),如Audit and Advisory
⭕️各行業與部門的MT Headcount比較︰
投行/銀行界別(Investment Banking/ Banking)
投資銀行部(IBD)— 各部門5至8人
銷售與交易部(S&T)/私人銀行(PB)/資產管理部(AM)— 各部門4至8人
商業及企業銀行(Commercial and Corporate Banks)— 各部門約10人
零售及虛擬銀行(Retail and Digital Banks)— 各部門約10人
投行中後檯部門 — 各部門2至5人
銷售與推廣(Sales and Marketing)— 2至3人
零售租賃(Retail Leasing)— 2至3人
辦公樓租賃(Office Leasing)— 3至4人
住宅租賃(Residential Leasing)— 1至2人
物業管理(Property Management) — 1至2人
零售/快速消費品銷售界別 (Retail/ FMCG)
銷售(Sales)— 2至3人
營銷推廣(Marketing)— 約2人
供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)— 1至2人
中後檯部門 — 2至3人
顧問或咨詢界別 (Consulting or Advisory)
交易(Deals)或併購(Merge and Aquisition,M&A)— 各部門2至5人
營商與策略咨詢(Business and Strategy Consulting)— 各部門5至10人
風險(Risk)或法規(Compliance)咨詢 — 各部門5至10人
IT咨詢 — 15+人
5. Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)有哪些關卡?
履歷篩選(CV Screening)
能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)
首輪視像面試(Video Interview)/ HR面試
評鑑中心(Assessment Centre)
會談面試(Panel Interview)
1️⃣履歷篩選(CV Screening)
同學在線上提交了Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)的申請後,部份公司會首先(透過人工智能)進行履歷篩選(CV Screening),過濾掉不適合的人選,只留下真正符合條件的人,再決定是否邀請你進行Apt Test!
因此,若要成功取下心儀的MT或GT offer,關鍵的第一步便是要有一份專業和具競爭力的個人履歷表(Curriculum Vitae,CV)。很多同學會傾向把自己的所有資料放入CV,以為愈長就愈好。但其實CV上每個項目或關鍵字詞都應該與你投考的行業和職位相關,並能帶出你的不同能力、性格、經驗和特點,不論讓人事部門或AI都認為你能夠勝任MT的職位,有潛質成為公司的管理層。如果你稍一不慎,將不合適的資訊放進自己的CV,有機會連考核流程都未進入,就在最初步的CV Screening階段給止步了!
2️⃣能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)
目前市面上的Apt Test Systems愈來愈多,香港公司常用的能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)包括:SHL、Talent Q、CUBIKS、GradeAce、Cut-e和Game Assessment等等,不同企業都採用各適其式的系統,以判斷同學不同方面的能力。要成功通過Apt Test,一般要完成或做對85至95%的題目。
如果你的Apt Test成績不達標,即使你的CV再出眾,都無法進入下一階段的遴選!從另一個角度而言,或許你的CV未夠突出,但假使你有能力完成Apt Test,都依然有機會進入下一輪面試,與其他人一同競爭!
既然Apt Test這樣重要,你一定要了解不同Apt Test的必勝技巧和方法,讓你無論收到哪類型的測試都能夠游刃有餘,收到想要的Offer!
3️⃣首輪視像面試(Video Interview)/ HR面試
經歷過COVID,現時不少公司(包括HSBC、JP Morgan、MTR等等)都會採用視像面試(Video Interview)挑選同學進入下一輪遴選。亦有少量公司,如恒生和Citibank還在沿用傳統的HR面談。所謂Video Interview,一般不會面對真人,同學需要在指定時間內登入公司系統(最常用為HireVue),回答預設的問題,而同學只有一次作答機會,回答的過程亦會被攝下成錄像,經過AI及HR人手兩類挑選。值得一提的是,公司並不單從你的作答內容評分,更是會留意一切的細節︰在甚麼環境進行面試、用甚麼硬件配置、聲畫質量、個人的儀容打扮、談吐舉止,甚或面容表情!你在鏡頭前的一舉手、一投足,都會受到注視,以及系統的數據分析!更甚的是,在部份的Video Interview中,HR Manager會根據行業背景、公司文化和職位性質等因素,事先在系統中加入一些關鍵字詞或描述,再讓AI計劃你提及這些字句的頻率,演算出你的個人性格,從而決定你有多適合公司的職位!因此你別以為Video Interview可以在家進行便掉以輕心,它比傳統的面試更具挑戰性,而很多人往往在這環節「墮馬」卻「死因不明」!
視像面試(Video Interview)應戰錦囊︰
一些必問或常見的個人履歷(CV-based Questions)或行為面試問題(Behavorial Questions),要事前準備好講稿(Video Interview Script),並且熟讀至倒背如流,避免臨場發揮
準確為你的講稿計時,一般而言,Video Interview的每一道題目都只給予兩至三分鐘作答時間,並只要一次試答機會,要善用這次機會作最好的錄影
4️⃣評鑑中心(Assessment Centre)
顧名思義,評鑑中心(Assessment Centre,AC)是指公司會將多項考核放於同一天完成。AC通常包括筆試(Written Test)、在場的能力測試(Onsite Apt Test)、案例分析(Case Analysis)、小組討論(Discussion)或協作/角色扮演(Team Game/Role Play)以及單獨面談(Individual Interview)等。當中以案例分析最難掌握,同學需要花較多時間預備。而部份公司(一般是地產或個別Conglomerates)亦會進行Team Game去考核大家的團體合作能力。
案例分析(Case Analysis)會做甚麼?
一般的Case Analysis都會安排六至八個人一組,同學在限定時間內閱讀一份10至20頁不等的商業案例(內容包括公司資料和背景、財務報表、會計比率、產品資訊等),然後大家需要就案例作小組討論,完成以下其中一項指定任務︰
分析型 — 就案例作背景和商業分析,理出當中的問題,並提出有效建議,再作匯報
方案型 — 就案例提出方案主題和大綱,再就大綱的每項要點商討細節內容,如人力資源編配、成本控制、宣傳推廣等
進行Case Analysis的注意事項︰
善用手頭上的工具(如Flip Charts,最好用上5至10張)
不忘思考如何應對問答環節中的常見問題,例如應變措施(Contingency Plans)、預期風險(Foreseeable Risks)、其他可行方法(Alternative Solutions)等
由於Case Analysis會要求你在短時間內閱讀多份資料和進行分析,以便理出問題根本再想出對策,這項測試不僅考核你的理論知識、數理和分析能力,更可從中評估你的抗壓能力、領導才能、溝通技巧等軟實力。但這也不代表無從準備,同學不妨留意和找找流通的模擬題目,多加鍛鍊,相信也能熟能生巧,領略當中的竅門,更易取得成功。HKCareers從首輪面試,以至Assessment Centre或Final Superday都提供相應支援,從不同投行、銀行和公司搜羅最新、最齊全的面試題目合輯(Interview Sources)及Briefings,讓你事前可以作最充足的準備,突圍而出取得Offer。
5️⃣會談面試(Panel Interview)
通常去到最後面試或會談面試(Panel Interview)的學生水平都好高,面試官通常亦會是Division Head、Manager等管理層,他們提出的問題會涉及很多情境題和行業知識(Technical Knowledge),不單要考核你的專業技能和處理問題的能力,更會觀察你的性格是否適合。
Tell me about a time you worked in a team.
Tell us one of your biggest setbacks at work/ in life?
How do you deal with stress and failure?
Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time? What is your ideal career development plan?
Can you propose a new digital initiative that will help our bank attract more young professional clients?
Walk me through a discounted cash flow model.
Can you tell me any recent financial news?
既然是Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)最後面試,面試官為了更能分辨學生的高低,除了上列較常見的問題外,他們亦可能問一些天馬行空無邊際的問題,以測試他們的反應。
針對Management Trainee Program一連串的面試及評核,HKCareers為香港、新加坡和英國三地的大學生度身打造適合自己的報工策略︰改善CV和Cover Letter,並提供面試訓練及模擬面試、Apt Test題庫、詳盡的面試題目和行業報告等等,從而大大增加同學拿到Management Trainee Offer的機會。自2014年成立的10年間,HKCareers的專業團隊集結了超過150位具豐富經驗的職業顧問及行業專家,為2,000多位學生創下成功之路,寫下了無數的成功案例︰
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: 803, Energy Plaza, No. 92 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, HK
Phone: +852 3689 6370 | WhatsApp: +852 6702 9911
Email: ellie@hkcareers.hk (General Enquiry)